Aafartens kanoudlejning

Odense Aafart kanoudlejning - The Long Route

Skovsøen - Stige Ø

The Long Route

This route offers the full package. An adventurous and idyllic journey along Odense river that becomes more challenging the further you go. In the first part of the trip, you'll pass Odense Zoo, where you may spot some of the animals from your canoe. You'll also sail past some of the large, beautiful houses on Langelinie.

When you reach Munke Mose, you'll encounter the first of two portages, and the trip will become more demanding from there. You will then be met with wilder, untamed nature, where you must navigate through fallen trees, dense bushes, and a winding watercourse. This is a more untouched part of the river compared to the first section of the route. This also increases the chances of seeing more wildlife and fewer people. On this adventurous journey, you will sail past Eventyrhaven, the Kulturbotanisk Have, small harbors, and many charming houses along the river.

There are plenty of opportunities to take breaks and enjoy a meal on this trip. You can choose to eat before setting off at Engen by Skovsøen. If you'd prefer to eat along the way, we recommend stopping either at Munke Mose or the Kulturbotanisk Have, both of which offer great spots to lay out a blanket and enjoy your packed lunch.

Due to the challenging terrain, beginners are encouraged to try one of our other adventurous routes before tackling this one.

Note: There are no toilet facilities on the last part of the route, and there is no public transport at the endpoint of the route.

Intro Video

Route details

Skovsøen – Stige Ø.
Duration: Approx. 3-6 hours
Level: Advanced
Length: 13,2-14,2 kilometers

Pris pr. kano pr. dag
From 399 kr